Seven Kings Bay Plowshares activists arrested inside Trident nuclear submarine base

[Note from Bloomington ABC: Please show some support for the Kings Bay Plowshares by writing them at the address below. We will post further updates as they come.

Clare Grady  65197
Patrick O’Neill  65205
Elizabeth McAlister  65198
Stephen Kelly  65201
Martha Hennessy  65206
Mark Colville  65200
Carmen Trotta  65203

Camden County Detention Facility
P.O. Box 699
Woodbine, GA 31569.

Please note: “Inmates may only receive plain white postcards. Postcards may not have any pictures nor backgrounds on them. Plain white postcards may be purchased at any Post Office.  All postcards are subject to search and /or screening. Postcards should have a return address in situations where the post card must be returned. Inmates cannot receive letters or e-mail.”

From The Nuclear Resister

Seven Catholic plowshares activists were detained early Thursday morning, April 5 at the Kings Bay Naval Base in St. Mary’s, Georgia.

They entered on Wednesday night, April 4.  Calling themselves Kings Bay Plowshares, they went to make real the prophet Isaiah’s command: “beat swords into plowshares”.

The seven chose to act on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,  who devoted his life to addressing the triplets of militarism, racism and materialism. In a statement they carried with them the group quoted King, who said: “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world (today) is my own government.”

Carrying hammers and baby bottles of their own blood, the seven attempted to convert weapons of mass destruction.  

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Sean Swain on hunger strike


From Friends of Sean:

We have not heard from Sean in a week and have received word via a proxy that he is 6 days into a hunger strike.

We have also heard that Sean is facing repression of various kinds, such as false conduct reports, unnecessary/unexplained cell changes, and limitation of his communications.

Although as of yet these issues are unconfirmed, we would like to request that supporters take a moment to call Warren Correctional and inquire about Sean’s status and raise concerns about how he’s being treated right now.

Warren Correctional Institution:
(513) 932-3388 – press 7 to be connected to the Warden’s office.

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Holman Report by Michael Kimble

From Anarchy Live

Back in 2006 a friend who practiced the Rastafarian religion was cut in the face while asleep by an unknown person. No one was ever charged and my friend sent word to me and another prisoner that he wanted us to hold down the slot he had in the chapel since he was going to be transferred because he had an unknown enemy in the population.

So, ever since 2006 i and the other prisoner have been holding talent shows, Kwanzaa events, Black August events, seminars and Black History Month events under the banner of the Rastafarian religion. Rastafarianism is just another bizarre liberation theology.

Anyway, this year i posted flyers and enlisted the participation of a few young prisoners to do a Black History Month event (speakers, poets, singers, rappers, and our first fashion show). During these events there is no pig (A.C.A.B.) participating or attending. It’s solely organized by prisoners for prisoners alone.

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“Back in the CMU” by Walter Bond

From Support Walter

I was transferred from solitary confinement in FCI Greenville Tuesday, the 13th of February, 2018. According to my notice of transfer I am here because “On December 4th, 2017, the SIS office at FCI Greenville completed an investigation and determined that on November 15, 2017, you enlisted the help of the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, (NAALPO relays anonymous communiques, photos and videos to the media about direct action undertaken by radical animal rights activists) to encourage members of the public to e-mail and call FCI Greenville, in order to disrupt normal operations in an effort to pressure the executive staff to agree to several demands to address perceived grievances you have with the institution and the Bureau Of Prisons. Utilizing the inmate telephone system, you provided a recorded message which was released as a podcast, announcing your intention to engage in a hunger strike, outlining your grievances and encouraging supporters to contact the institution in support of your demands. To deter your continued attempts of using inmate communications to convey threats to injure and/or kill civilians; it is recommended that you be placed in a Communications Management Unit (CMU) for increased monitoring of your communications to protect the safety, security and good order of BOP institutions, government officials and the public.”

I was transferred in the morning in what looked like a hybrid between a tank and an armored car. by a team of CERT officers that looked like some sort of counter-terrorism Navy Seal team. I was shackled in a black box device that went over my handcuffs for further restriction and strapped to a chair and locked in a steel box barely big enough to house me and the hardware I was secured too. On top of this the transport vehicle was escorted by cars in front and back. Slightly excessive, in my opinion.

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Walter Bond moved to Communication Management Unit

From Support Walter

Walter Bond has been transferred to the Terre Haute CMU.

Here is his new mailing address:

Walter Bond
FCI Terre Haute CMU
PO Box 33
Terre Haute IN 47808

If you recently wrote to Walter at the Greenville Illinois prison address, your letter will probably be forwarded to the new address. If your letter is returned in the mail, just re-send it to the new address.

Thank you to all the supporters who have sent funds for Walter over the last few months while he was on hunger strike and later while he was in the SHU. Now that he is no longer in the SHU and transferred to a new location, your donations will be put to good use.

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Chile: Anarchist Prisoner Tamara Sol Transferred to the Maximum Security Section in Santiago

From Insurrection News

26.01.18: On January 25th, 2018, the comrade Tamara Sol was transferred once again, this time from the prison colony of Rancagua to the Maximum Security Section in Santiago. The reason for the transfer is due to her attempted escape from Valpraiso Prison.

The maximum security section is inside the High Security Unit (CAS) a punishment division inside a prison for men, with a strict disciplinary regime. This section began receiving women prisoners with the imprisonment of Marcela Mardones in June of 2017. Marcela is linked to the FPMR* and the muder of Jaime Guzmán**.

Making a mockery of their own regulations, the State and the prison administrators moved Tamara Sol to a men’s prison despite it being specifically forbidden by their own rules and standards. The Prison State does not hesitate to increase punishments, to make execeptions to their own rules and to seek out the worst and the most hostile conditions of confinement.


(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)

*FPMR is the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front, a armed Marxist-Leninist group.
**Jaime Guzmán was a senator for the right-wing party UDI (Independent Democratic Union), Guzmán was assassinated in April, 1991.


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Update on Eric King after losing his brother

From Support Eric

Eric suddenly and tragically lost his brother recently.  Grieving the loss of a loved one is tough as it is, but for almost two weeks now Eric has been trying to figure out the best way to mourn the loss of his brother in an already dark place.  While EK is not in the head space right now to be able to respond to the letters and cards he has been receiving he’d like everyone to know all the love and support he has received reminds him that he is not alone in this fight.  He wanted to apologize for taking a longer time to respond to folks who are reaching than he’d like.  Receiving the news was clearly devastating for EK and moving forward has certainly been a struggle, so please keep him in your thoughts while he navigates through this difficult time.  We encourage you to keep the cards and letters coming because it’s those incoming communications full of light that can really help to keep his spirits up.  Here is Eric’s address once again:

Eric King # 27090045
PO BOX 6000

Thank you so much for your continued support.
-EK Support Crew

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Tamara Sol injured in escape attempt

From Insurrection News

13.01.18: The latest information is that the comrade Tamara Sol made an escape attempt on January 12, 2018, leaving her with injuries caused by the latticework of razorwire and spikes that are mounted on the perimeter walls of the prison, as well as being assaulted by the prison guards.

Despite her wounds, the comrade has no life threatening injuries and after being held incommunicado in isolation, the comrade was transferred to Rancagua Prison, a prison that is notorious for its harsh conditions of confinement.

We will provide further updates as soon as more information becomes available.

Revolutionary Solidarity with Tamara Sol!

Strength, fortitude and tenacity for Tamara, her family and close friends!

In the face of the extermination centres and the torture of the prison guards: Riot and escape one thousand and one times!

(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)

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Walter Bond ends hunger strike / thrown in SHU

From Support Walter

Walter Bond called tonight with the following update:

1) He spoke with the Assistant Warden of FCI Greenville and going forward he will get a Vegan tray at all meals. Walter also got assurance on this from the Regional Food Supervisor of the BOP.

2) The AW resolved the issues with delays in postal mail reaching Walter caused by SIS (Special Investigative Services) staff. The AW told Walter to contact him if problems reoccur.

3) Walter ended his hunger strike at day 6.

4) Walter will probably be transferred back to a CMU (Communication Management Unit) and will be held in the SHU at Greenville until that occurs in 3 to 5 months. CMUs are prisons set up for who the federal government considers a terrorist. From January 2012 to September 2015, Walter was confined in the CMU at USP Marion. As can be guessed from the phrase “Communications Management” CMUs attempt to all but completely shut off the prisoners’ communications with the outside. Prisoners are allowed very little phone time and all calls are live-monitored by an office in Virginia. Visiting a CMU prisoner is especially difficult: prisoners receive a much smaller visit time allowance and these monitored visits occur inside a non-contact booth where the parties have to speak to one another using phones. All incoming and outgoing mail to CMU prisoners are first sent to an office in Virginia to be read.

Walter is glad for the assurances about his meals and mail delivery. His not at all glad that he will likely be send back to the CMU. In the meantime he is in the SHU. He will be very isolated, being locked up by himself and only allowed 15 minutes per month of phone call time.

For all the people that phoned the prison… thank you very, very much! You will be happy to know you can stop calling!

You can write to Walter:

Walter Bond
FCI Greenville
PO Box 5000
Greenville IL 62246

You can pick out a paperback book or magazine (no hardcovers) for Walter and order it to be sent directly to his address (don’t forget his prison number) from amazon, another book dealer or a publisher.

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Statement from Gioacchino Somma on Operation Scripta Manent

From Act for Freedom Now!

To the Court of Turin

Today, as well as for all the future hearings of this trial that sees me accused along with my brothers, sisters, but above all anarchist comrades, I will not give you the satisfaction of seeing my face in a courtroom of this tribunal.

I have never gone to the courtrooms where my funeral was being prepared in the past and I will not do so now!

I am anarchist, individualist, anti-authoritarian and above all I am for the insurrection, which has as one of its primary goals that of destroying places of death like this one and the prisons.

I will not be part of the spectacle set up by a judge who, suffering from hunger cramps, has put himself the payroll of a State that I do not recognize, being a citizen of the world in flight from its borders; I will not be there to listen to his delusions nor wait for the end to hear someone judge me “guilty or innocent.”

For any authoritarian State I will always be “guilty” because in the society I want there will be no room for you, your buildings and your institutions.

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