April 6th: Inside/Outside Organizing to End Mass Incarceration in Indiana

Thursday April 6th

6-7:30 pm

Bridgwaters Lounge of the Neal Marshall Black Culture Center

This event will feature a call-in from long-term prisoner and activist Angaza Iman Bahar, at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility, who has founded an organization called IDOC Watch inside the prison, in order to put an end abuse and censorship by staff, improve conditions within the prison, and improve prisoners’ access to resources. He will discuss what lead to IDOC Watch being founded, the role of prisoners’ struggles in social movements, and what people on the outside can do to support IDOC Watch.

Before the call-in there will be a discussion on mass incarceration facilitated by Fidelia Igwe, a Masters student in African American and African Diaspora Studies at IUB who is studying mass incarceration and it’s effect on Black communities.

The goal of the event, other than education, is to recruit people to work with the IDOC Watch outside support committees.

Facebook event here.

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