Pola Roupa sentenced to Life + 25 years

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The Court has imposed a life sentence plus 25 years on comrade Pola Roupa, adopting the positions of prosecutor Drako in his speech. The life sentence to which Comrade [Nikos] Maziotis was convicted in 2016 for the same attack is not just about rabid revenge against the two unrepentant and consistent rebels who were not delivered to jail in 2013 at the end of the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle, but who went into illegality in order to continue the actions of the organization. It proves, according to prosecutor Drako’s speech, the dangerousness of the actions of the Revolutionary Struggle as a means of undermining and collapsing the economy and the State.

Let’s remind that prosecutor Drako in his speech had stated that the attack on the Bank of Greece could cause the collapse of the building and that if the building had collapsed, the financial system and the country’s economy would collapse.

The life sentence to Roupa, as for Maziotis, confirms from the enemy’s side, that is, the State, the correctness of the strategy of the Revolutionary Struggle, which considered that the major blows to key structures of an already weakened system in crisis, could cause its collapse.

Solidarity to the Revolutionary Struggle



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